‘2021 ± II: Utopia Broadcasting’ explores themes of futurism, human construction, sheer curiosity, consumerism, as well as the wonders and dangers associated with science. The overall aim of this project is to utilise existing structures within the Icelandic landscape to transport the viewer’s imagination to another world that exists outside of time – one where the conversation unravels questions about dreams for a better life amidst the darker side of human ideals.
This is the anonymity of a city; an ode to being just another human in this big, wide world.
Kingdom Fungi resonates with me in more ways than one, especially here in Iceland. These fascinating fruiting bodies of mycelium go largely unseen in nature by many, despite their wonderfully unique traits. Unless you are in the supermarket or one pops up in an inconvenient place, such as your shower, you may go your entire life without noticing mushrooms and other fungi.
Over the shifting desert plains… We found ourselves immersed in lunar landscapes.
Australia is a place where the environment is ultimately wild, untamed, harsh and fascinating. There is something strangely captivating about the landscape; the open horizons, soaring mountains, thundering rivers and lush valleys seep into you with each encounter. Curiosity sucks at your consciousness until you become restless, longing for the rhythms and dangers associated with the living presence of this world.
On face value, there may not be many similarities between nature or landscape photography with music photography, though the underlying relationship between them runs deep. That’s because music photography documents human behaviour, which is a quintessential chapter of nature.
Romance could never be boring in a world like this.
One of the main reasons that I love Iceland so much is for its otherworldly landscape. Exploring this Nordic island is like visiting another planet or witnessing the beginnings of life. The geothermal activity is what fascinates me the most, with volcanoes, geysers, natural hot springs and lava fields interspersed amongst massive glaciers. Here, it’s easy to forget that there is any other meaning to what we do, other than existing.
Far up yonder in the halcyon, where a mythical glow illuminates the horizon, there exists an ethereal place devoted unconditionally to the imagination. This subconscious world is where wars rage and battles are won, where the heart finds itself the crusader in a sea of pandemonium – crushed, forsaken and forlorn. These are the chronicles of the snow-laden souls that stand anchored with the faintest figment of unbounded tranquility and serenity. Immerse yourself in the strange and wonderful realm of Koli.
What usually comes to mind when most people think about the Arctic is mounds of snow, dog-sledding and perhaps an aurora lighting up the night sky. These are generally the things you would expect to see when you’re in Lapland. However, if you venture high enough into the mountains during the midst of winter, then you might just find yourself immersed in a very strange fantasy world where wizard-like creatures rule the land.